How to Stay Safe While Biking Around Tulsa

If there’s one group of people who are excited about the return of spring, it’s bicyclists. Bicycling is a fun activity for families, individuals, and tourists. Unfortunately, it can also be dangerous, especially when motor vehicle drivers are not paying attention. When cycling with your friends and family, you should be able to ride around…

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May Is Motorcycle Safety Awareness Month

Spring is here and motorcyclists are eager to return to the roads and highways to enjoy the warm weather. Despite how other motorists might feel towards motorcycle riders, bikers have the same privileges and rights as everyone else on the road. As motorcycles make their return to Tulsa roads, it is important for other motorists…

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Should I Contact OSHA if I Get Hurt at Work?

When you get hurt in the job in Oklahoma, you know you can make a claim for workers’ compensation benefits. One of the things you need to do to collect those benefits is inform your supervisor or boss about your injury. Your employer, in turn must report the injury to the insurance company. If an…

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Uber and Lyft Drivers Have Rights When Assaulted

Residents of Oklahoma meet as drivers and passengers on trips scheduled through popular rideshare services like Uber and Lyft every day. Unless the driver and passenger happen to know each other from earlier rides or associations, each sits in the car with a stranger. Most of the time, these trips conclude with the driver safely…

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What Are the Most Dangerous Roads in Tulsa?

Tulsa is a thriving and busy city, so it makes sense that its roads are also quite busy. While you might be a careful driver, not everyone is, and we bet you know exactly which streets and highways are the worst. Perhaps it’s the road you and your coworkers always complain about when it causes…

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What Are the Most Serious Neck Injuries?

Whether you are playing sports or you have gotten into a car accident, there are many ways in which you can injure your neck. Even reaching for something up high can cause a sudden twinge and pain in your neck. Oftentimes such an injury will require rest, ice packs, heating pads, and OTC painkillers until…

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FMCSA May Be Cracking Down on Unsafe Trucks, Drivers, and Companies

The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) has an abundance of new proposed rules for the trucking industry. These new rules will specifically target roadside inspections, automatic emergency braking systems (AEBs), and electronic logging devices (ELDs). Between March and June 2021, the agency plans to issue formal notices along with at least four proposals. The…

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Road Defects Can Lead to Car Accidents

As hard as it is to remember at times, celebrities are just like us. They are capable of experiencing some of the same issues we go through in life, including car accidents. One celebrity that recently was involved in a serious car accident was Flavor Flav, one of the founders of American hip hop group…

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Wrongful Death Claims from Tulsa Truck Accidents

While all traffic accidents are dangerous, the fact of the matter is that truck accidents are unique for a number of reasons. In addition to a truck’s massive size and weight, all trucks need additional time to safely stop without colliding with any other vehicles. When a truck driver does not have enough time to…

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Work Zone Accidents and Injuries

Besides being cut off from another driver, there’s one thing that all drivers cannot stand: traffic. In a way, one of the positive effects of the global shutdown was that the number of cars traveling on the road decreased, so there was significantly less traffic to deal with when you did need to go somewhere.…

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